What is Toonstep?

Toonstep is our email verification system that prevents unauthorized logins to your account when a login comes from a new IP address.

Who is this for?

Toonstep is recommended for everyone, but especially when:

  • You use an easily-rememberable password that isn't auto-generated (we still recommend you use a completely random password)

  • You would like extra security for the sake of it

  • You have a static IP address (doesn't change upon router reboot)

If you use a strong, randomly generated password, or have a dynamic IP address (IP changes every router reboot) and are certain you have a secure password, you may not want ToonStep on your account.

How do I revoke an IP from access to my account?

If you’d like to revoke a previously allowed IP address from access to your account, you can do the following:

  1. Go to https://corporateclash.net/account

    • Log in if not already logged in

  2. On the account page, select the “ToonStep” tab

  3. On the list of allowed IP addresses on the ToonStep tab, find the specific IP address or location you’d like to revoke.

  4. In the “action” column, click the “revoke” button corresponding to that IP address.

Last updated